

Agility first appeared in England in 1978, essentially a halftime show at Crufts. The creators based the demonstration on horse jumping competitions, intending to show the dogs’ natural speed and agility. Dog owners looking for something new to do with their pets pricked up their ears and said, “Hey, MY dog could do that.”
Agility training can be excellent for your dog’s well-being. It works the part of their brain associated with getting tasks done, making them feel like they've done something productive rather than just walking or running. Your dog will see this training as playtime, and you are assigning “jobs” of running, jumping, and navigating the contact obstacles. A lot of the training skills learned during this period can also be used for other parts of behaviour training when necessary.
Agility Flatwork
Prerequisites: None (Core Foundations is recommended)
Your dog spends more time running with you on the flat between the obstacles than time spent performing the obstacles. On the flat is where you set your dog up for the next obstacle and spend most of your time guiding the dog. You can see why flatwork requires excellent communication between you and your dog.
You will develop a system with your dog while teaching each agility maneuverer without worrying about performing the obstacle. The movements or cues will signal your dog to perform specific behaviour's. Following this method lets you know exactly what your body is telling your dog to do. The goal is timely, coherent, consistent, and clear communication so your dog will take direction on the course and stay with you.
This class primarily uses games to teach the movements. We will also work on some courtesy skills, including a focused wait, release, standby, and end of work.

Prerequisite: Agility Flatwork
All jumps will be introduced, broad, solid panel, bar, and oxers. We will work on several methods to determine which works best for your dog. We cover handling, developing speed and distance, and sending to jumps and crosses. It’s a thrill to watch your dog soar!

Prerequisite: Agility Flatwork
The agility contact obstacles (A-frame, dog walk, teeter, table) will be introduced to your dog at lower heights with increasing height and speed as your dog becomes more confident. Your dog will learn both running contacts and two-on-two-off.

Weave Poles
Prerequisite: Agility Flatwork
We start at the very beginning of weave pole training and, in doing so, develop your dog’s desire for correct behaviour. Moving through the different phases, we will work on different weave pole entries, ignoring distractions and building distance skills. Poles will be added with layering of motion, reinforcers, and handler positions. Four poles are our short-term goal; after that, 12 poles are easily within sight!

Agility Drills
Prerequisites: Flatwork, Jumping, Contacts, and Weaves, or Instructor approval
This class is exclusive to handling strategies, sequencing, and crossing skills. Each week will be a different course for you and your dog to conquer together!