
Get ready to Rally! Distinct from traditional competitive obedience, Rally is a fun sport that seems more like a game. Beginner-level obedience skills are strung together into a “course”. You and your dog navigate this course side-by-side, guided by 18-22 signs with pictures and words describing the skill to be performed. Different difficulty levels may be completed on or off-leash, like other dog sports. Before you know it, you and your dog will be moving fluidly through a rally course!
Rally Foundations

Pre-requisites: Suggested prerequisite is Core Foundations 2. Core Foundations 1 is acceptable.
This class will cover the mechanics of essential obedience skills needed for Rally. Skills include, but are not limited to, attentive heeling, changes of pace, halts, sits, front finishes, turns, and pivots. Each set of skills will be broken down into manageable parts to ensure your dog is successful.
Rally Skills
Pre-requisites: Rally Foundations or instructor approval.
Clean dog/handler skills will be developed to achieve the goal of a relaxed and enthusiastic working team. The basic maneuvers learned in Rally Foundations will have a degree of difficulty added. For example, the straight figure 8 will become the offset figure 8 with distractions. This class will jump include jumps and off-leash work, both of which are skills necessary beyond Novice. This class is about positive and enthusiastic dogs and happy, relaxed handlers.

Rally Novice
Prerequisites: Rally Skills or instructor approval.
You have the necessary building blocks, so let’s keep going! We will work to correctly and cleanly navigate the 42 possible signs used at the Novice level. Games will be used to increase enthusiasm while you work on clean handling skills. Off-leash work will continue to develop, and you may see an advanced sign or two thrown in for fun! This class is suitable for trial preparation.

Rally Intermediate, Advanced, Excellent, Masters
Prerequisite: Rally Novice or instructor approval
Upping the challenge, you and your dog will work off-leash (intermediate trials are on-leash), and the courses now include jumps! This is BIG fun for you and your dog as you swiftly and correctly complete each station. More challenging maneuvers, which seem like dressage, will challenge your handling, your dog’s precision, and teamwork. This class is suitable for trial preparation.